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How It Works

PinBud is a FREE business listing service that's simple to use, and will save you time and money. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...

  1. Search for local businesses.
  2. Choose the ones you like based on reviews, etc.
  3. Request those you like to contact you about your job.

That's it. One form, and you submit your request to the local professionals / contractors you chose. No more calling five different companies and explaining the job to each one, etc.

With PinBud, it's one and done!

Here are the steps above explained in further detail:

1. Local Search Engine.

You can search for just about any professional service imaginable. Home contractors (plumbers, builders, landscapers, etc); automobile services (repair, bodywork, detailing, etc); professional services (IT/computer repair, accountant, lawyer, etc); medical professionals; and countless others.

Your search results are listed via distance from your zip code. You can also filter your results via keyword, or by reviews. The listing for each company contains address, phone number, short description, web page and link to discounts and coupons (the level of detail available depends on the information entered by each company.)

2. Research and Choose.

You can conduct full research on Pinbud.com! Clicking on a company's name in your search results brings up their presentation page. Depending on the company's level of membership, you can find more detailed information, like reviews from other customers, discounts, flyers and coupons, examples of completed work, driving directions, and a wealth of other information.

Pinbud.com helps make your research simple, as everything you need is in one convenient place.

3. Contact!

This is really what sets PinBud apart. From the search results listing page, you can contact your selected companies by email for more information. Companies can reply by phone, email, or through PinBud.com. You can get multiple quotes without trying to call and explain the job to every single company. This saves you time, frustration, and virtually eliminates the "phone tag" game. For example, you can explain your plumbing project to five different plumbers; give your make and model car to three different body shops to see if they work on it; and ask four different dentists if they take your insurance. It's VERY handy.

4. Review!

Ok, we didn't list this as a step above, but it is important. We hope that after you use a service you found on Pinbud.com that you'll tell others what you thought (good or bad.) Everybody knows how important word of mouth is for finding the right service providers, so we like to provide that information right on a business' listing.

We offer an easy-to-use review posting template including a star ranking system, and only registered users can post reviews.

Subscribing companies can respond to reviews. All reviews and responses are checked before being posted for insulting language, threats, and hateful comments.

Ready to sign up and start searching?

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